The Power Of Female Sex
Sex and the City Quiz
The Women
The Partners
The Friends
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
The Book
Kiss and Tell
New York

test your Sex and the City smarts...

1. Who hits on Mr. Big first?
a. Carrie
b. Charlotte
c. Miranda
d. Samantha

2. What gift does Samantha bring to Laney's baby shower?
a. breast pump
b. diaphragm
c. bottle of Scotch
d. baby leash

3. Where did Miranda meet the guy who likes to talk dirty in bed?
a. Vietnamese lunch truck
b. lobby of her her apartment building
c. court
d. running in the park

4. What is the name of the book written by Samantha and James's couples therapist?
a. "What's Love Got To Do With It?"
b. "Marriage: A User's Guide"
c. "Mapping the Terrain of the Heart"
d. "In-To-Me-See"

5. What lie does Carrie tell Aidan when she first meets him in his furniture store?
a. She is a designer.
b. She is a nonsmoker.
c. She is Stanford's girlfriend.
d. She is visiting the store for a column she's writing.

6. What stops Carrie from saying Mr. Big's name when she introduces him to Aidan at the New Designer's Showcase?
a. They fall in the kiddie pool.
b. She spills coffee on him.
c. Natasha stumbles and breaks her tooth.
d. She gets accosted by Anthony, Charlotte's wedding stylist

7. Miranda's speed-dating guy lies and says he is a doctor. What is his real profession?
a. usher at Madison Square Garden
b. assistant manager of an Athlete's Foot
c. corner hot-dog vendor
d. standing inside a sandwich in front of Blimpie's

8. Which television personality does Miranda fall in love with when she goes on a sex strike, and what does she eat when she watches him?
a. John Stewart; chocolate eclairs
b. David Letterman; knishes
c. Charlie Rose; microwave popcorn
d. Dennis Miller; hot dogs

9. What is Carrie's secret single behavior?
a. She bakes cookies and eats them in the bathtub.
b. She sings bad '80s rock ballads while painting her toenails.
c. She reorganizes her shoe closest again and again.
d. She eats a stack of saltines with grape jelly while standing up in the kitchen reading fashion magazines

10. Where does Mr. Big move?
a. Silicon Valley
b. Sun Valley
c. Napa Valley
d. St. Barth's

Source: "Sex and The City: Kiss and Tell" (Pocket, $40).

1. d
2. c
3. a
4. d
5. a
6. b
7. b
8. a
9. d
10. c

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