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Season 3

15 episodes...

1. The Honking


Bender finds out his uncle had "died" and he has been left his uncle's old castle in his will - as long as stays there for one night. Bender and the Planet Express crew stay there, but Bender sees some robot "ghosts" and runs away screaming. He is knocked down by something and awakens next morning.  It turns out that Bender has been knocked down by a Were-Car, a virus that causes robots to be transformed into cars and go around running people over. Because Bender has been hit he is now a Were-Car, and Fry finds to his horror that the Were-Car will always try to run over his best friend.  Fry and Leela secure Bender in his apartment to stop him from killing anybody, but when midnight comes, Bender turns into the Were-Car and escapes. He finds Fry and Leela and tries to run over.....Leela. Fry is upset by this because he thought he was Bender's best friend.  Leela tries to find out how to get rid of the curse - and the only way to do this is to get rid of the original Were-Car. So off they go to find it.  This episode was pre-empted in the Eastern and Central time zones due to extended NFL coverage. These time zones were treated to this episode joined in progress at 20 minutes after the hour. Is this a new FOX policy? The blood red binary numbers on the wall translate to 357 in decimal form but the mirrored reflection translates to 666, the address of the devil.  On the book that the fortune teller has, it says "Curse of the Were Car for Windows 98".  The numbers that drench in blood on the wall have actual meaning. 0101100101 is jiberish, it just stands for the number 357. But 1010011010 actually stands for 666, the sign of the beast.  For cheap foreshadowing, when Leela welds Bender to the wall of his apartment, all the pictures on the walls are pictures of cars.  When the gang is sitting around the dining table at the castle, look at the name on the painting with the moving eyes. It's COMMODORE LXIV (64)


2. War Is The H-Word


Todd Susman (PA Announcer)

Bender and Fry volunteer for military duty to enjoy the benefits of the soldiers' discount. When war breaks out later that same day, Leela too decides to join the all-male ranks, under the guise of Lee Lemon, and creates quite a stir for her leader, Zapp Brannigan.

Bender's top ten:

10. Chump

09. Chumpette

08. Yours

07. Up

06. Pimpmobile

05. Bite

04. My

03. Shiny

02. Daffadill

01. Ass

During the M*A*S*H remake, you see Alien Code #1 written on top of one of the tents. It spells out M*E*A*T.  Several Posters and signs. EARTH ARMY Employee Of The Months (Piture of a coffin with a flag over it). JOIN THE ARMY, WHAT ARE YOU, CHICKEN? BUK BUK BUK! Earth Men Are Real Men. We don't know but we've been told, our beer on tap is mighty cold. NEW NEW YORK POST; Balls Throughly Licked.

Bender's least favorite word is "antiquing."


3. The Cryonic Woman


Sarah Silverman (Michelle) Pauly Shore (Himself)

When Fry and Bender decide to take the Planet Express ship out for a joy ride and end up damaging the building, they get themselves and Leela fired. Leela decides to get her old job back at the Cryogenics lab, but accidentally switches her old career chip with Fry's. She ends up working as a pizza delivery girl while Fry and Bender have new jobs as cryogenics counselors. Fry and Bender are enjoying their new jobs when Fry unfreezes his old girlfriend Michelle from a thousand years ago. It turns out Michelle's life went downhill after Fry left and she froze herself to get a new start. Fry and Michelle seem to be back together, but everything in the future freaks her out. She talks Fry into freezing themselves again another thousand years. When they wake up they find themselves in an apocalyptic wasteland run by kids with guns. After arguing with Michelle, Fry decides to leave her. Fry goes wandering off and finds what seems to be Mann's Chinese Theater. He soon finds Leela and Bender and they tell him that's he's not in the year 4000 at all, but rather in Los Angeles.  Michelle makes her second reappearance. This episode features many references to past episodes: Michelle, the cryogenics lab and the I.C. Weiner joke from "Space Pilot 3000"; the unbreakable rope from "The Deep South"; and the brains from "War is the H-Word".  When butcher and Fry are about to start the race, butcher's girl is counting "1,2,3" in Hebrew.  If you look in one of he Cryo Tubes, you can see Gil from The Simpsons is in one.  In "Space Pilot 3000" we see Michelle in a taxi with a guy. He's the same guy that she marries.  According to the Volume 2 DVD, this episode is part of season 2, not 3. Perhaps they are going by the production code numbers. All starting with 1 were in volume 1 DVD and all starting with 2 were in volume 2 DVD. Maybe there will only be four volumes, saving us all money.  According to his mug, Fry is the universe's #4307697 delivery boy.  "Wierd Al" Yankovic is in one of the Cryotubes.  Morbo, among others, is immortalized in concrete outside Loew's Quaddafi's Mann's Grauman's Chinese Theater.  The St. Louis Arch, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Great Wall of China all still exist in 3001. The stainless steel Arch structure has obviously been strengthened and reinforced since it's construction in 1965.


4. Parasites Lost


When Fry eats an egg-salad sandwich from a vending machine at a gas station, he begins to have strange side-effects -- he becomes stronger and smarter. Professor Farnsworth makes a diagnosis and concludes that Fry had ingested "intelligent worms" that have set up shop in his body. Because these worms are so smart, the regular means of flushing them out will not work. The Planet Express crew must shrink themselves to microscopic form and enter Fry's body to fight off the intruders. Meanwhile Leela is left to divert Fry's attention, but finds herself more and more attracted to the new man Fry has become.  For this episode, storyboard artist Rodney Clouden won an Emmy award for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation. This episode is a play on the classic Sci-Fi film "The Fantastic Voyage".  In the opening sequence of convoy trucks going by, one of the trucks has Alien Code #1 written on it. When translated it says: "Human Milk."  When Fry walks into the truck-stop bathroom, there is a ton of Alien Code #1 written on the wall. While most of it is just single letters, there is one phrase you can read on the calendar. It says: "For A Good Time Call..."  Alien Code #1 makes another appearance when Fry and Leela are walking down the block and run into Sal from the truck-stop. It says: "Watch For Falling Humans."  In the season 3 DVD, there is a section where you can learn how to draw Fry. The background is from the truck-stop bathroom. On the wall we see Alien Code #1. When translated it says "For a moderately good time call 555-1972!"  Leela's apartment number is shown as 1I, a reference to her having only one eye.  Before the ship pulls into the station, a blue road sign reads Square-Root (symbol) 66.  Inside Fry's stomach, you see a 1982 penny!  Leela's apartment building has round windows that look like cyclops eyes.  In Greasy Sue's Greasy Truck Stop, you see 3 fuel-pumps: one with regular matter, one with dark matter and one with 'wassa matter' (What's the matter).


5. Amazon Women In The Mood


Beatrice Arthur (Femputer) Suzie Plakson (Amazonian)

When Zapp Brannigan crashed the Planet Express ship into Planet Amazonia, the crew discovers the planet in inhabited by a race of giant women who have found that life without the male gender is preferable. These Amazonian women worship a Femcomputer who sentences Fry and the rest of the guys to death. It is up to Bender; a manbot and technically not a man, to intercede on the guys' behalf. Meanwhile Kif professes his love to Amy.  This episode is the first reference to Kif and Amy's relationship since it started in "A Flight to Remember".  This is the third appearance of the Amazonian's. The first was in "Brannigan Begin Again," as the DOOP ambassador from planet Amazonia, and the second was seen at the Miss Universe pageant in "The Lesser Of Two Evils".  In the Season 3 DVD, a clip is added that was originally removed for television broadcast. It is a black screen with Alien Code #1 written in white letters. It reads: "This program has been modified from its original version. It has been formatted to fit your pathetic, 21st century, human-made, non-interactive television that only broadcasts to two senses and doesn't even look back at you (except in Utah.)"  In the season 3 DVD, in the usual list of warnings and legal notes roll at the beginning of each DVD, one of them is written in Alien Code #1. When translated, it reads "INTERGALACTIC TERRITORIES. Interplanetary and domestic laws prevent the copying of DVD's, Videotapes, Holodiscs, as well as sound and smell recordings. Unauthorized copying, duplicating, reproduction or any reuse of this program or it's accompanying thesaurus is prohibited, banned, barred, impermissible and out of line. Violators must immediately take the disc or videotape onto which you intended to copy this program, and break it over your knee. As required by the section 629 of the Blerne copyright treaty, enacted 29, 2982 truly you should be ashamed of yourself, under section 629A of the treaty."  When the water ripples, the reflection of Leela gets two eyes for one second.  Since they're on a female controled planet, the Sony speaker-box has been changed to Sonya.  In the Palm d'Orbit, Zap sings his version of Lola (by The Kinks). In the original version, there is a line "... Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola...". Zap refers in this line to 'coca-cola', which originates from the LP-version of this song.


6. Bendless Love


Jan Hooks (Angleyne)

When a sleep-walking, Bender causes havoc on Planet Express by indiscriminately bending things in the middle of the night. Professor Farnsworth becomes bent out of shape and sends him off to the Bending Factory where his uncontrollable need to bend becomes controlled. There, he is re-united with Flexo and meets Anglelyne, a curvaceous fembot, and sparks begin to fly!  In this episode we learn that Bender is four years old. Bender gives his full name as Bender Bending Rodriguez - though if this really is his full name or it's just one of his many aliases is anyone's guess!  This is the first appearance of Flexo since "Lesser of Two Evils".  In the scene that shows bender being built, the box that his head is taken out of also has Flexo's head, complete with soul patch/gottee.  In his apartment, Fry is trimming a Banzai tree in the shape of the Planet Express ship.  Elzar's book title: "Three More Great Recipes"  Hookerbot 5000, the Masked Unit's girlfriend (whom Bender's disguise gets stuck to), and at least one of the nerd-bots from Mars University are at the Hip Joint.  The box with robot heads in the robot factory contains Flexo's head


7. The Day The Earth Stood Stupid



The Professor informs the crew that their next delivery is no longer necessary because that planet has been destroyed. Meanwhile, Leela enters Nibbler in a pet show and wins dumbest pet. The evil brains responsible for destroying planets have arrived on earth and start making everybody stupid. Nibbler sees this and jumps on his spaceship and takes Leela to his home planet. Nibbler then informs Leela about his race and the evil brains. He tells her that Fry is the only hope because he is immune to the brains effects. Leela then tells Fry he must defeat the main brain. He finds the brain in the library and tricks the brain into thinking he must leave Earth. Nobody but Fry ends up remembering any of what occurred - except for Nibbler.  The books that Fry and Leela get trapped in are "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, and "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen.  When Leela and Nibler get to Nibler's planet, you see a dome with two obelisks standing on each side. They have both Alien Code #1 and #2 written on them. Lucky for us, they both say the same thing. When translated they both read: "Yummy Tummy."  The message below the Pet Show sign reads "KIDS: See Toucan Sam's Death Mask."  Matt Groening's favorite character in Futurama: The Hypno-Toad. The sound that it makes is a recording of a turbine engine played backwards.  Some of the storage rooms in the library: Reference Books, Books on Tapeworm, "Stephen King: A – Aardvark"  When everything returns to normal, Hermes is holding a meeting that everyone is sleeping at. Hermes chart says "Employee Sleep During Meetings."  First appearance of Ken, Fiona and the Big Brain.


8. That's Lobstertainment!


Hank Azaria (Harold Zoid)


Dr. Zoidberg tries his luck at comedy, but fails miserably. He decides to ask his long lost Uncle Harold Zoid to help him out. Bender tricks Calculon into financing and staring in Harold film on the premises that he would be guaranteed an Oscar. However the movie is a complete flop and Calculon threatens to kill Harold Zoid if he doesn't somehow win an Oscar.  At the arward ceremonies when they pan from left to right we can see JarJar blinks' head, right next to Morbo.  In the opening credits, the toon character on the giant screen is Bosco! The second most successful Warner Bros. creation next to Bugs Bunny.  Humorbot 5.0 makes his first appearance, and later gets his own show in "Bender Should Not Be Allowed On TV." Flurp, the liquid comedian makes his second appearance from "My Three Suns."  The date "A Close Shaving" was copyrighted: 2922.  Proof that Dr. Zoidberg doesn't know what he's doing, he has an anatomy chart upsidedown in his office.  Origional titles for the episode: Zoidberg Goes To Hollywood, Zoidy Goes To Hollywood, My Uncle The Has-Been.  Variety Article: NAACP Complains of Low Computer Hirings.  Also in the Oscar audience, Pauly Shore, Michelle (Fry's Ex), and Edith Head.  Hollywood and Vine is a residential area in the year 3000.


9. The Birdbot Of Ice-Catraz


Phil Hendrie (Free Waterfall Senior)

The Professor decides to ship hazardous cargo to the outer reaches of space, but the course chartered takes the ship through some environmentally sensitive areas-- including the penguin refuge on Pluto. Leela refuses to transport the dangerous cargo, so the professor removes her from command and installs Bender as captain. While Bender is piloting the ship, he allows his attention to drift and accidentally showers the penguins with oily goop. As punishment for his crime, Bender gets 5 hours of community service helping clean up the mess. In order to get out of it, Bender puts on a tuxedo and blends in with the penguins. After getting hit in his head, Bender reboots thinking he's a penguin too. Meanwhile, the oil has got the penguins reproducing like crazy and they must be shot so that they don't' all starve to death later. While shooting into a crow of penguins, Leela shots Bender and gets him back to normal. Bender then tells the penguins to fight back against anything not black and white. The penguins soon turn against him and Leela. While trying to get away, Fry comes to the rescue in the spaceship and the crowd of penguins falls in a killer whale's mouth.  Listen out for the quote about the ship been upside down, the reply about him been on a cell phone is a tip-of-the-hat to an article about the fact that most road accidents are caused by people talking on their cellphones... Phil Hendrie returns to Futurama. He voiced Free Waterfall Jr in "My Problem With Popplers" and in this episode he voices Free Waterfall Sr.  Bender's hat is made to look like Capt. Crunch's hat.  The episode makes a number of references to the Puffin Penguins.  Episode writer Dan Vebber originally wanted to name the episode "Emperor Ben-guin."  One of the penguin hunters laughing is Scruffy the janitor.  The writers wanted the Penguin's theme music from Batman Returns to play when the penguins attacked the hunters, but they were unable to get the rights for it.


10. Luck Of The Fryrish


Tom Kenny (Yancy Fry)

After a period of very bad luck, Fry thinks he must be the most unlucky man on Earth. This sets him remembering about the time when he was younger and he found a 7 leaf clover. The clover made young Philip very lucky, and Fry decides to go to the ruins of Old New York to find it.  Once there, Fry finds a statue of "Philip Fry: The First Martian" - but it looks like his brother Yancy, who always copied Philip! Fry thinks his brother stole his name and the clover, and he, Leela and Bender go to Yancy's grave to get the clover.  At the grave, they start digging, and Fry reads the text on the stone which explains what happened. Yancy did find the clover, but gave it to his new born son Philip (named after his uncle) who was the first man on Mars. Fry puts the clover back as a mark of respect.  Fry's house in the 20th century is actually Futurama writer Eric Kaplan's childhood house. It doesn't jump out at you on the first viewing on the episode, but when Fry's father lists off the Frys who have been called Yancy, he says "me, my grandfather," etc - leaving out his own father. This was to leave the door open for "Roswell That Ends Well," where it turns out who is his father's father.  When Bender breaks into Fry's record locker, you can see a Bart Simpson's head on the shelf above the locker.  When one of the horses is being brought out onto the racetrack, an ad in Alien Code #1 can be seen on the inside of the track. It reads: "Not Without My Egg Case - Tonight On Lifetime" (a cheap stab at the programming on the Lifetime channel).  The episode shows another manhole cover with the PJ's logo on it.  When in Old New York, Fry stands on top of a newspaper stand. The headline on the paper inside the case reads "Mayor Predicts Victory Over Aliens."  The British bandmate and his speech is a tribute to all the old VH1 "Behind The Music" shows, especially The Police episode when they talk about the song "Roxeanne."  Leela's and Hermes' hair styles are on the Hairbot, but for some reason Amy's isn't.  Some ads at the race track: "Trojan Horse Condoms", "Welcome Deadbeat Dads"  Fry's Mother was correct when stating that on the day Fry disappeared, Wisconsin won the Rose Bowl 19-7. They defeated Standford with that score, January 1, 2000 in the annual Bowl Game.  At the end of this episode, when Fry is crying at the grave site, the song "Don't You Forget About Me" by the Simple Minds is playing.  First appearance of Fry's family.


11. The Cyber House Rules


Tom Kenny (Adlai) Nicole St. John (Sally)


Leela goes to the orphanarium where she grew up for a reunion, when she finds out that one of the orphans that made fun of her, Adlai, is now a plastic surgeon and offers to make it so that Leela is no longer a cyclops. Leela goes through with the operation and she and Adlai start dating. Meanwhile, Bender adopts a bunch of orphans to get lower taxes.  After the operation, Leela goes to Eye Robot for her new glasses. The orphanarium is renamed to the "Bender B. Rodriguez Orphanarium", thereby confirming his name.  At Bender's apartment, we can see a picture of a hovercar on his wall. This hovercar strongly resembles Ferrari's 360 Modena.  When Leela runs into a blind man from her past, a sign with Alien Code #1 is seen on the side of the wall. It reads: "Humane Human Traps."  Leela calls Bender Jose-bot. Further assuring the point that Bender was made in Mexico.  Note under the Taco Bellevue Hospital sign: "Normal, Healthy Baby? Super-Size it for 49 cents"  Note outside the garden: "Yes We Have 'Looking At' Trees."  As Fry and Bender leave the kids in the closet, you see a newspaper clipping on the door with Fry's picture on it. It reads "Primitive Human Found In Tube."  Bender's next door neighbor has the apartment number 0101011. ASCII code translated means "Shift-F4"  The house that Adlai lives in looks exactly like the home from Leave It To Beaver.  First appearance of Sally (the 3-eared orphan girl).


12. Insane In The Mainframe



Fry and Bender are arrested for bank robbery when they get involved with one of Bender's old robot friends, Roberto, while he's robbing a bank. Fry and Bender are convicted of the crime and sent to an asylum for criminally insane robots. It's a walk in the park for Bender, but Fry is tortured by being treated like a robot. When Fry is finally brain-washed into believing he is a robot, he is deemed "cured" and released. His friends back at Planet Express are horrified when Fry the robot is returned to them. Meanwhile, Roberto is busted robbing the same bank again and ends up in the asylum with Bender. He uses Bender to bust out of the asylum and accompanies his friend back to Planet Express. When the police track them down, Roberto takes the staff of Planet Express hostage. Fry turns into a battle droid and scares the mentally unstable Roberto so badly that he jumps to his death. In the battle, Fry's arm is injured, and when he sees that he bleeds blood he comes to his senses and realizes he's a human.  This is the second time Bender says that Fry has the heart of a robot. The first time was in "I, Roommate."  Sign outside of bank: Counterfeit Money? Ask About Our "Phoney Baloney" Account.  Famous Origional Ray's Superior Court is a cheap reference to all the pizza places in NYC that belong to a guy named Ray.  A number of robots from previous episodes make guest shots in the asylum.  Hermes has a button on his calculator labeled "Carry The One."  The can of oil Fry stickes in his jacket has the symbol for "pi" on it. Roughly translated, the can says "3.14... In 1 Oil."  The courthouse seal has an eagle holding gavels.  By 3000, the U.S. Constitution has 67 Amendments.  There is a robot in the asylum that can pick up transmissions from the CIA. The transmissions we hear are the cafeteria menus for the week "beginning May 15th" and start with Monday, suggesting that May 15th 3002 (the current year in the show) is on a Monday. It isn't.  First appearance of Roberto.


13. Bendin' In The Wind (aka The Time's They Are a-Bendin')


Beck (Himself)

Bender gets paralyzed after trying to use a giant electric can opener. At the hospital, Bender meets Beck, who gives Bender a pair of little arms that he should wear around his neck. After hearing Bender use his torn up body as a washboard instrument, Beck invites him to go on tour with him. The gang follows him on an old VW bus that was dug up from the 20th century. Bender dedicates his performances to all broken robots everywhere. At San Francisco, Bender is miraculously able to move again. He still pretends to be injured, but at the concert he ends up dancing on stage. Everybody boos him and Beck chases him away.  This was the lowest-rated episode for Season Three.  The song performed in this episode by Cylon and Garfunkel is Scarborough Fair bu Simon and Garfunkel.  In this episode the cast is chased through the streets of San Francisco. During the chase, a green volkswagon-esqe hovercar keeps appearing. This is a sly reference to Bullitt in which a green volkswagon shows up several times during the famous car chase. See also: Goofs for the movie Bullitt.  While following the bus on its way to San Francisco, they past through several states with odd names. One of them is written in Alien Code #1. Instead of staying named Utah, Utah has been changed to: "Human Farm." If you look hard in both The Simpsons and in Futurama, the crew takes many shots (at least 2) at Utah every season in both shows.  States on the U.S. Map: New New York, Sylvania, Penn Republic, Washington A.C., West Virginia, East West Virginia, eHIO, 'Ucky, XORegon, Muontana, User ID: aho, Wy(omega)ing, 24-Bit Colorado, Nukevada, HighCal, LoCal.  Cedars-Sinewave Robot Hospital is a take off of Cedars-Sinai.  Fisherman's Worf is a quick homage to Star Trek, done without mentioning the word Star Trek.


14. Time Keeps On Slipping (aka Time's Up)


Jeff Cesario (Marv Albert's Head)


In the 30th Century, the once entertaining Harlem Globetrotters are now feared as they will humiliate any planet in the Universe who dares to play them. Feeling up to the challenge, Professor Farnsworth creates a group of mutant basketball players to go head-to-head with the Globetrotters. Farnsworth's secret winning ingredient is chronitons, time particles found in the Tempus Nebula. However, when the Planet Express crew removes the mutants from harvesting, they tip of the Time/Space Continuum causing forward motion of time to skip ahead. The Professor and the Globetrotters figure that they must move stars around the nebula to have their gravity divert the chronions away. That didn't end up working. Meanwhile, Fry has somehow made Leela want to marry him, but nobody knows why because it was during a time skip. They end up divorcing with Fry still wondering how he did it. Later, the Professor and Globetrotters figure that they must create an implosion at the nebula with one of the professor's Doomsday devices to create a black hole. Once at the nebula, Fry sees what he did. He moved the stars to say "Leela I love you". Unfortunately, the doomsday device went off before Leela saw, and it sucked in all the surrounding stars.  The song that Bender whistles when he's leaving Fry alone at the cockpit near the end (and also the same song that plays when the credits start to roll, with Fry looking outside) is, I believe, the theme of the Harlem Globetrotters (the team Bender dreamed of becoming a part of), though at a much slower tempo. The Globetrotters theme itself (the whistle version) seems to be a variation of the jazz tune "Sweet Georgia Brown" by Boots Randolph.  This episode is rumored to be an homage to a cartoon of The Globetrotters In Space, but the staff didn't know it existed until they finished the episode.  There's a sign-up sheet for body dumping at Central Park Lake.  Professor Farnsworth throwing a chair resembles the usual attitude of Bobby Knight.  The long-armed mutant is named Grotrian (which is a brand of piano), the five-armed mutant is named Armo, the spider-like mutant is named Arachnium, the mutant with a cannon in his chest is Thorias, and the laser-eye mutant is named Lazar.


15. I Dated A Robot


Lucy Liu (Herself)


Fry downloads Lucy Liu's image from nappster.com onto a blank robot and falls in love with the computerized image that is programmed to love him back. His friends, who are worried about Fry, try to shut down nappster.com, and discover that the company has actually kidnapped real celebrities. They grab Lucy Liu's preserved head and try to escape, but nappster.com send an army of warrior Lucy Liu-bots after them.

"J-Lo Dolly" and "Love at First Cyborg" Except for nappster.com and possibly eBay, all of the sites use the .web suffix.  Bender's problem with human/robot relationships reflects some peoples' views on interracial relationships (just replace "human/robot" with "white/black" and it's pretty clear)  When the professor goes to log Leela and Fry online, Alien Code #2 can be seen on the computer screen. When translated it reads: "AOL."  While in the internet, Fry & Leela pass by Ebay. When the huge creature wins the Milky Way, you can see Alien Code #2 on his bidding paddle. It reads: "667."  When you see the Space Pope logo, it has Alien Code #2 on the bottom half. When translated it reads: "Crocodylus Pontifex." This is the only time the code if actually translated on screen to what it really says.  Keeping true to the robot theme, all the Lucy Liu bots have Square pupils.  Dinkin' Donuts is a quick reference to Dunkin' Donuts and former New York Mayor Dinkins.  Hand Crafters is a quick reference to Lense Crafters.  The destruction of Earth in the filmstrip is the same as the one you see in Space Pilot 3000 when Fry is frozen.  Several of the nerds on the internet resemble Futurama staff members, including David X. Cohen!


Now, that evil robot Santa can't get to us here, unless any of us are stupid enough to leave this house. In a related matter, you'll all be delivering a sack of children's letters directly to Santa at his death fortress on Neptune.

#### Well g'uh, it's a Futurama fan site ####