Tomorrow's People
Season 11
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 16
Season 17
The Novels

2 stories
10 episodes

1 - The Ramses Connection
 The Tomorrow People wakes up after hearing a language they couldn't understand. They later talk about it in the ship, and gets a strange message from an Egyptian boy saying the words they woke up too. They try to visit the Egyptian museum, but are denied entry.  When scientists and the police are invited in, they decide to teleport in too. They overhear that a marhara stone was stolen, and decide to seek some answers in an office. They are caught by the same scientist who was talking to the police. Adam asks about the anicent Egpytian language, and she tells him, it's a dead language for many years now. Adam still pushes on with it, and Adam tells Dr. Jones (the scientist) the words the Egyptian boy was saying to them. She heistates to tell them, but Megabyte tells her, they need to know. They find out that it has to do with Queen Cleopatra's needle.  They visit Cleopatra's needle (which seems to be in London), but they are dead clueless. A senial woman (whose been holding up a sign saying "Take Me Home", approaches them, saying that they have to stop the man. She introduces herself as Millicent , and knows their names. She also tells them, they are watching them... Megabyte doesn't seem convinced, and jokes how people aren't watching (even though she caught an attention of a crowd of tourist.) She tells them to meet her here later, and gives them a photograph. Ami asks when, but she tells them, "They'll know when" and leaves. Megabyte thinks she's just senial and old, and questions about how no one is watching them. They look up where she had gone but has disappeared!  Adam notices the photograph's location, and visits it. He finds out that it's a private residence, and a creepy looking guy (whose name is Scully) tells him that the owner, Mr. Tate is out of town, and tells Adam, good day. Adam telepatically talks to Megabyte to create a diversion, so that he could sneak in and see what's they are hiding. Scully, and Mr. Tate (who isn't out of town!) answers the door (out of irritation), and they talk to a lost Megabyte, who explains he got lost while traveling. Adam sees a lot of Egyptian artifacts, and a secret room, when Megabyte tells him to get out, after being scared away by Scully who asked if he wanted to come inside for a road map.  Ami talks to Millicent and kept insisting to look at "the paper." The creepy guy, and old man looks for her, and she tells Ami to look at the paper. Millicent goes to them, and takes her away. Ami watches them as they take Millicent away, and spots Adam and Megabyte who returned from their journey.  She tells them, they have taken Millicent, and they both notice it's creepy guy (Scully), and old man (Mr. Tate.) Adam takes a guys roller blades, and Megabyte to take care of it. He puts it on, and chases the car. The car is too fast, and Scully notices that the boy who visited earlier is following them. He mumbles to himself, they should of killed him.  The car is just to fast for Adam, and he tries to turn into a alley for a short cut. He looks around and sees nothing but a cat on a car. He notices that the cat started to glow, then fire balls came out of it's eye. He ducks behind the car, then the cat hits the car, making it explode.  A mysterious guy (Gueststar Christopher Lee) watches as the car explodes through the cats eyes from a glass looking pyramid...
2 - The Living Stones
coming soon...

Coming Soon...

 The development of man hasn't just suddenly stopped. It's going on all the time. In the last hundred years, everything has speeded up. The world has changed out of all recognition, and human beings have changed with it.