Tomorrow's People
Season 14
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 16
Season 17
The Novels

4 stories
12 episodes


1 - The Slarvian Menace
There's a new mobile phone on the market that all the cool kids want. It's sleek, sophisticated and making a killing for the mysterious Galactic Communications.  But why are people disappearing for hours on end after using the phone and why can they never remember where they've been? And why does one of Paul's college friends appear to be involved?  John, Elena and Paul decide to investigate the headquarters of Galactic Communications ­ what horrors will they discover lurking within the factory and who is the company really working for?  Will the Tomorrow People solve the mystery in time, or will mankind awake to the terror of the Slarvian menace?
2 - The Warlock's Dance
In 1984, Clare Jones disappeared from Water Oakley. Her boyfriend Phil was with her at the time. Did he kill her or was she actually kidnapped by angels?
3 - A Living Hell
TIM is concerned. Elena's deep space mission appears to have gone disastrously wrong, Paul and Sharon have gone missing and John appears to be suffering some sort of breakdown. An old enemy is nearly ready to act...
4 - Trigonometry
 Up on the Galactic Trig, his every need being seen to by the Federated Worlds’ finest doctors and nurses, John still feels alone.  Elizabeth too is in the medical wing on the Trig, although unaware that her old friend is nearby. She too seems to be getting lots of attention. She too still feels alone.  Stephen, by the most curious of coincidences, is also in the medical wing on the Trig. And, yes, doctors… nurses… blah blah blah…   So, if the Galactic Trig is at the heart of the Federation, and is the central point for information of all areas of its work, why can’t Tim contact John? Or Elizabeth? Or Stephen? And if Tim can’t get through, what chance has Mike Bell got?  Something is rotten at the heart of the Federation, and the Tomorrow People, both old and new, are helpless. Not a state they’re used to…

Coming Soon...

 The development of man hasn't just suddenly stopped. It's going on all the time. In the last hundred years, everything has speeded up. The world has changed out of all recognition, and human beings have changed with it.