Tomorrow's People
Season 13
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 16
Season 17
The Novels

4 stories
12 episodes


1 - A New Atlantis
Elena has been having disturbing dreams and begins to believe that a new Tomorrow Person called David is trying to contact her through them. But why can't John and Paul hear him? And where is he trapped? Elena and Paul's attempts to find him lead them to a manor house owned by the eminent historian and explorer Sir Henry Themaddon ­ a house that holds many secrets.  John travels to the Canary Islands to find answers to his recent problems and uncovers the existence of some ancient relics that purport to be from the ancient lost city of Atlantis...
2 - The Power of Fear
A mysterious spaceship passes over the resort town of Mayview-on-Sea. Terrible creatures stalk the promenade and lurk in the darkened corridors of a haunted house attraction.  Somebody wants to make us afraid. But itıs the twenty-first century, and no one takes ghosts and monsters seriously any more. Let alone little green men from other planetsŠ Only the Tomorrow People know the truth.  Only they know that the monsters are real ­ and that we should be very scared indeed...
3 - The Curse of Kaaven
Paul and Elena are on holiday, relaxing on the peaceful shore of a vast alien lake, when chance draws them into a tale of murder, mystery & intrigue.  As they board the majestic liner of the lion-like Arberron family, there are dark forces at play. Who is the murderer? Can it really be one of the Tomorrow People? What is the secret in Elena's past? And what is the curse of the Ancient King Kaaven of the Organtic Dynasty...?
4 - Alone
In the peaceful English village of Barcombe Hill, two people are in therapy. One, Robert Mitchell, claims to hear voices and is obsessed with images of an alien world. The other, John, is convinced that he has superpowers and is dedicated to safeguarding the planet...

Coming Soon...

 The development of man hasn't just suddenly stopped. It's going on all the time. In the last hundred years, everything has speeded up. The world has changed out of all recognition, and human beings have changed with it.