The Parliament of Dreams

To Live and Die in Starlight
The Parliament of Dreams
The Purple Files
In The Beginning
The Gathering
Signs and Portents
The Coming of Shadows
Point of No Return
No Surrender, No Retreat
The Wheel of Fire
The River of Souls
A View from the Gallery
Secrets of the Soul
To Live and Die in Starlight
A Call to Arms
The Apocalypse Box
The Lost Tales

The Interstellar Alliance has been organized to establish and maintain peace among its member worlds, including Earth. The Rangers are an elite military force made up of hand-picked young, smart, dedicated human and alien members who combine the high-tech elements of space travel with the idealism and honor of the knights of old. They encounter a previously unknown alien race whose lethal power is far greater than any force previously known to Earth or any other world in the Interstellar Alliance...

The background story for David Martel, is that he left the scene of a battle while commanding a Ranger ship called the Enfalli. His friend of three years, a Minbari named Dulann, and what seems to be a reasonably new friend, a human named Sarah Cantrell, were there at the time.



Sindell: One of the Anla-Shok has acted inappropriately and must be punished, perhaps even expelled.

G'Kar: What was his crime?

Sindell: Staying alive!

G'Kar: Curious. Until now, I hadn't known it was a crime.



G'Kar: Minister Kafta, this ship is being held together by little pieces of wire and good intentions. If we land in this condition, assuming we do not have an unpleasant encounter with the ground on the way down, I doubt very much they could take off again. They would be trapped with us, and the ship looking for them would find it, find them, find us, find you, a brilliant cascade of cause and effect. Isn't the universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else.



Sarah Cantrell: Today is a good day to die.

David Martel: Oh with you every day is a good day to die!


Dylan Neal - David Martel

Andreas Katsulas - G'Kar

Alex Zahara - Dulann

Myriam Sirois - Sarah Cantrell

Dean Marshall - Malcolm Bridges

Warren Takeuchi - Kitaro 'Kit' Sasaki

Jennie Rebecca Hogan - Na'Feel

Mackenzie Gray - Kafta

David Storch - Tafeek

Enid-Raye Adams - Firell

Gus Lynch - Tirk

Campbell Lane - Alien Captain

Todd Sandomirsky - Tannier

Andrew Kavadas - Gregg

Simon Egan - Minbari Crewman

Bernard Cuffling - Sindell

Artine Brown - Minbari Crewman

- a Babylon 5/Crusade fansite -